
艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的。. 这会杀死或损害免疫系统的细胞,并逐渐破坏身体抵抗感染和某些癌症的能力. 艾滋病毒最常见的传播途径是与受感染的伴侣发生性接触. 艾滋病病毒传播的另一个重要途径是接触受污染针头流出的受感染血液, syringes, or other drug paraphernalia.

艾滋病一词适用于艾滋病毒感染的最晚期. 目前艾滋病的定义包括所有CD4+ T细胞少于200个的hiv感染者(健康成年人的CD4+ T细胞计数通常在800个左右或更多).) In addition, 该定义包括被诊断患有影响晚期艾滋病毒患者的一种或多种临床病症(包括机会性感染和某些癌症)的艾滋病毒感染者.

According to the CDC, 据估计,美国有100万成年人和青少年感染了艾滋病毒/艾滋病. 艾滋病在世界许多地区仍然肆虐,失去控制.

How is HIV/AIDS transmitted?

Sexual contact

艾滋病毒最常见的传播途径是与受感染的伴侣发生性接触. The virus enters the body through the lining of the vagina, vulva, penis, rectum, or mouth during sexual activity.

Blood contamination

HIV may also be spread through contact with infected blood. 然而,由于血液筛查HIV感染的证据在美国.S.在美国,通过输血感染艾滋病毒的风险极低.


HIV is often spread by sharing needles, syringes, 或者与感染病毒的人一起使用毒品设备. Transmission from patient to healthcare worker, 反之亦然,被污染的针头或其他医疗器械意外刺伤, is rare.



HIV/AIDS cannot be spread through:

  • Saliva

  • Sweat

  • Tears

  • 偶然的接触,如共用餐具、毛巾和被褥

  • Swimming pools

  • Telephones

  • Toilet seats

  • Biting insects (such as mosquitoes)

What are the symptoms of HIV/AIDS?

有些人在接触艾滋病毒后一个月内可能会患上类似流感的疾病. 但许多人在第一次感染时根本没有出现任何症状. In addition, the symptoms that do appear, which usually disappear within a week to a month, are often mistaken for those of another viral infection. These may include:

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Malaise

  • Enlarged lymph nodes

持续或严重的症状可能在艾滋病毒首次进入成人体内后10年或更长时间内不会出现, or within 2 years in children born with an HIV infection. 这种感染的“无症状”期因人而异. But, during the asymptomatic period, HIV积极地感染和杀死免疫系统的细胞. 它最明显的效果是血液中CD4+ T细胞(也称为T4细胞)水平的下降,CD4+ T细胞是免疫系统感染的关键战士. 病毒最初在不引起症状的情况下破坏或破坏这些细胞.

随着免疫系统的恶化,并发症开始出现. 以下是艾滋病最常见的并发症或症状. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Lymph nodes that remain enlarged for more than 3 months

  • Lack of energy

  • Weight loss

  • Frequent fevers and sweats

  • Persistent or frequent yeast infections (oral or vaginal)

  • Persistent skin rashes or flaky skin

  • 治疗无效的盆腔炎

  • Short-term memory loss

  • 一种或多种与免疫系统衰弱有关的感染(机会性感染). These include tuberculosis and certain types of pneumonia.

有些人经常和严重的疱疹感染,导致口腔, genital, or anal sores, or a painful nerve disease known as shingles. Children may have delayed development or failure to thrive.

During the course of the HIV infection, 大多数人的CD4+ T细胞数量会逐渐下降. 虽然有些人可能会有突然和戏剧性的下降.

艾滋病毒感染的症状可能类似于其他疾病. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis. 可以使用快速诊断测试,早期诊断很重要.

How is HIV/AIDS diagnosed?

Early HIV infection often causes no symptoms, 而且必须通过检测一个人的血液中是否存在对抗HIV病毒的抗体(抗病蛋白质)来检测. 这些艾滋病毒抗体通常在感染后1至3个月才达到标准血液检查所能检测到的水平, and may take as long as 6 months. 接触过艾滋病毒的人一旦认为自己可能已经接触过艾滋病毒,就应该立即进行艾滋病毒感染检测.

当一个人极有可能感染艾滋病毒,但抗体测试呈阴性时, a test for the presence of HIV itself in the blood is used. Repeat antibody testing at a later date, when antibodies to HIV are more likely to have developed, is often recommended.

Treatment for HIV/AIDS

与许多其他疾病一样,早期发现提供了更多的治疗选择. Today, 有一些医学治疗方法不仅可以减缓艾滋病毒削弱免疫系统的速度, 还可以控制艾滋病毒,使患者有机会过上正常的生活. Unfortunately, there is no cure for an HIV infection. 请咨询您的医疗保健提供者,了解有关治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病的各种药物疗法的更多信息.

Are we getting close to finding a vaccine for AIDS?

HIV is still spreading worldwide. 研究继续为可能的疫苗策略提供更多的见解,但没有治愈方法.


Research Shows Biomedical Discoveries Underpin Good Health

Masked researcher looking into a microscope
在过去的半个世纪里,几乎每一项重大医学突破的实现,都是因为一位生物医学科学家解开了生物学的又一个谜团. 约翰霍普金斯大学的科学家们的发现导致了疫苗的产生, treatment and diagnostic breakthroughs. 约翰霍普金斯大学基础生物医学科学研究所通过领导对众多生物医学疾病的原因和治疗的研究,延续了这一传统.